
At Kingsway every student is part of a warm and caring community, where they are free to be, encouraged to serve and confident that they belong. The uniform plays an integral role in students feeling a sense of belonging and helps in promoting a positive image, while also creating a strong sense of identity, pride and solidarity among the College community. We have an expectation that students take pride in their appearance at all times, on and off the campus. The College partners with parents to maintain high uniform standards for which we are well known.

A dedicated Uniform Shop is located on campus with both new and secondhand uniforms available for purchase. Please refer to the College’s Uniform Policy for further information.

The College Uniform Shop hours vary throughout the year, current parents please refer to the College Calendar on the parent portal.

January Opening Hours

Please book your appointment through the links below.

Wednesday, 22 January: Book Here

Thursday, 23 January: Book Here

Tuesday 28th January: Book Here

Wednesday, 29 January: Book Here

Thursday, 30 January: Book Here

We are also open on Friday 31 January from 8.00 am – 3.30 pm (Contact Day) on a first come, first served basis, ie no appointments. Please note this day is just for purchasing a few items, and not fitting complete uniforms.

The Uniform Shop’s regular operating hours during term time are as follows:

Standard Hours (refer to the exceptions below)

Mondays: 8.00am – 3.30pm (closed between 11.30am-12.30pm)

Wednesdays: 9.00am – 4.30pm (closed between 11.30am-12.30pm)

Exceptions (current parents can refer to the College Calendar on the Parent Portal)

  • The first week of each Term
  • January holidays (appointments)
  • Term 1 holidays (seasonal change)
  • Term 4 holidays (appointments)

Other additional opening hours during the year are advertised in the College newsletter.

Uniform Price Lists

Uniform prices are rounded up to the nearest dollar to avoid the handling of small change.

Primary Uniform Price List

Secondary Uniform Price List

If you have any questions regarding the Uniform Shop, please feel free to send an email to uniform.shop@kcc.wa.edu.au


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