School camps – Four valuable life skills your child will receive from their camp experience

School camps provide students with the opportunity to learn and grow outside the classroom. Camps offer a unique experience that extends far beyond the curriculum, allowing students to engage in individual and group activities that are both challenging and motivating.

Camps are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where students can flourish and extend themselves, both academically, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Attending school camps supports students in their journey to achieve their full potential. There are many clear benefits for students, including the top four life skills that students gain below.


At school, students will face many challenges, in both academic, co-curricular and social settings. Resilience is a critical life skill for all school-aged children as it helps them to cope with challenges, setbacks and failures.

School camps help students to develop resilience by presenting them with new obstacles that they must overcome.  Placing students in unfamiliar environments, and involving them in activities such as hiking, climbing, kayaking, zip lining or team sports, students are challenged both physically and mentally.

It’s through these challenges that students find the strength to push themselves outside of their comfort zones and engage in activities that may be very different from their day-to-day life. Students build their resilience as they learn how to adapt and acclimatise to new situations and environments.

Leadership skills

Building leadership skills in school students is essential as it sets them up for both their later schooling years as well as their life beyond school. By developing leadership skills at a young age, students can learn to communicate effectively, work collaboratively and think critically.

School camps often present students with the opportunity to take on leadership roles through various team activities, many of which are an extension of what is available to students within the confines of the classroom. Through these activities, students learn how to effectively take charge, delegate tasks and stay calm in high-pressure environments, all skills required to make a good leader. In the camp setting where students take on a higher level of responsibility than is often afforded to them, students discover and utilise their own strengths and are encouraged to share, mentor and support their peers.

Learning to lead in a safe and supportive environment, under the guidance of experienced leaders and instructors, students will build the confidence and skills to take on leadership roles both inside and outside of the classroom.


Relationships is one of Kingsway’s six values and forms a vital role in school life, helping students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness in our school community. Having healthy and respectful relationships with each other, their educators and their families is a crucial part of their journey to success.

Outside of the familiar classroom environment and regular social groups, school camps provide students with the opportunity to interact with peers they may not have had the chance to connect with otherwise. As well as building new friendships, students also have the chance to strengthen their existing friendships, as well as their relationships with teachers and instructors.

Through shared experiences and challenges, such as participating in outdoor activities, cooking meals together, and solving problems as a group, students develop a sense of camaraderie and create strong bonds and memories that can last a lifetime.


School camps are also an excellent way for students to develop independence and self-reliance. By being away from their families in an unfamiliar environment, students are forced to step out of their comfort zones, take on new responsibilities and face unexpected challenges.

At camp, students are required to take responsibility for their own actions, manage their own time and learn to work together with their peers, teachers and instructors. Students are expected to take care and rely on themselves; they are required to make their own beds, manage their own belongings and sometimes even cook.

While this can start out as a daunting experience for some, these types of adventures provide students with the opportunity to develop their ability to adapt to new situations, build their confidence and gain independence. These unique situations foster a sense of self-reliance, as students learn how to navigate unfamiliar circumstances and problem-solve on their own.

At Kingsway Christian College, we offer a range of school camps throughout the year across Primary and Secondary Years. Our camps are held within Western Australia and includes visits to Busselton, Albany and Ningaloo. They challenge students to bring learning to life through personal growth, adaption and teamwork.

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