Lower Secondary Years 7 to 9
Kingsway Christian College recognises the need to engage students in learning programmes that are structured to stimulate and challenge students in their middle years of schooling.
While the curriculum is different for each year group, the College actively encourages all year groups to communicate and form friendships with one another. Every student is part of our warm and caring community, where they are free to be, encouraged to serve and confident that they belong. The curriculum and in particular, the classroom locations, enables our Lower and Upper Secondary students to frequently interact and share the learning journey.
Students engage in English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) for six periods per week in each area. Complementing this programme is a Christian Education Course which will flow through to Senior Secondary years. An opportunity to engage in Arts, Technology and Enterprise, Health and Physical Education and Languages is also an essential part of our Lower Secondary programme.
Upper Secondary Years 10 to 12
Senior School opportunities include engagement in English, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Mathematics, Science, the Arts, Technology and Humanities and Social Sciences. For more detail on subject content, please visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Our committed team motivate students to discover and excel, supporting them to succeed on their chosen pathway.
In Year 11 and 12, some students will choose to engage in Vocational Training courses, which facilitate TAFE entry, whilst others choose courses leading to tertiary studies.

Subject Selection
Year 7-10 Subject Selection 2024
Year 11 Subject Selection 2024
Year 12 Subject Selection 2024
ATAR Results
The College is very proud of the achievements of our Year 12 students. We congratulate them on their efforts and commend them on the dedication and integrity they’ve demonstrated throughout their learning journey at Kingsway. We are confident our graduates will continue to lead lives of purpose as modelled by Christ.
The consistency of high level ATAR results in recent years is a wonderful testimonial to our committed team who motivate our students to discover and excel, supporting them to succeed on their chosen pathway.
Mr Peter Burton