Kingsway Christian College is a school built upon a strong Christian foundation in which there is a community that teaches students what it means to bring ‘God’s kingdom to earth’. Society does not drive us, but we are renowned for placing Jesus at the centre of everything we do. Kingsway students excel in their education because of individual support and nurturing and because they strive for excellence whilst developing character. Students leave the College with a sense of optimism about what God is calling them to do.
They go into the world and serve to the best of their abilities in whatever capacity they find themselves, reflecting the values of the College throughout their life. Kingsway staff are inspired when working here and are committed to academic excellence and continuously improving their skills and gifts. Supported and resourced, our staff collaborate and go further to bring out the best in themselves and those around them.
We have created a landscape that utilises its physical assets to enhance learning and development, where our technology and infrastructure supports creativity and innovation, where young minds are set free to see the world for all it can be. Our community recognises that we are stronger when we work together and unified in our mission and focus; our community celebrates and finds strength in its diversity because its mission is bigger than any one personality. Our families are excited to be part of the College; they are actively serving and contributing to make a difference. Our College thrives on bringing out the best in its people who go on to influence the world around, for the glory of God.