Since 1984, Kingsway Christian College has established a reputation for learning for life, in addition to maintaining our commitment to a Christ-centred approach to education. Learning programmes are founded on the understanding that every child has the opportunity to achieve.
Our valued parents are encouraged to become an integral part of our school community and to contribute to the development of their child’s talents. Being committed to adding value to each child, the provision of programmes are designed to support, nurture and enrich their lives. We strive to open new doors for each child by acknowledging and encouraging personal interests, talents and needs and offer an educational programme that is innovative and diverse, reflecting best practice and catering for a broad academic range. We seek to foster an attitude of responsible stewardship of students’ God given gifts and abilities and aim to empower them to exercise their talents responsibly by leading fulfilling lives and making an active contribution towards social justice and the common good.
The College strives to provide our students with a stimulating and safe environment in order for meaningful learning to take place. The appointment of committed, enthusiastic and talented teachers who are passionate about educating young people is a high priority. Staff are valued and we are committed to selecting educators who will engage your child in a learning journey that is exciting, authentic and relevant to their own interests. Kingsway Christian College is committed to child safety. All Kingsway Christian College members of staff are required to comply with applicable child protection legislation and are responsible for ensuring that the School’s Child Safe policies, procedures and programs are at the forefront of all we do. I warmly welcome you to visit our Campus and to meet with me. I am sure that you will appreciate the dynamic and caring culture that is so much a part of our wonderful school.
Warm regards
Mr Peter Burton