Kingsway Christian College was founded in 1984 by four families who were seeking an education for their children grounded by strong Christian beliefs and values. In 1983 a Constitution was drafted, and an Association of interested parents was established. A Steering Committee was formed to investigate the establishment of the new Christian school. In 1984 (on the site of a Baptist church at Craigie) a school for Years 1 to 8 was established with six teachers and 110 students.

The land
After purchasing eight acres of land 25 kilometres north of Perth, the foundations were laid on 23 November 1984 and the first buildings were constructed. A neighbouring property was purchased in 1986 which increased the site to seven hectares and provided ample land for expansion.
Original buildings
The first buildings consisted of three classroom blocks, a canteen, and undercover area and a transportable from the original Craigie site. Over the next two decades, a three-stage building programme was developed.
1991 – The first multi-purpose built Primary Block, comprising eight classrooms and a new Canteen was constructed.
1992 – Additional Science Block in the Secondary School and refurbishment of the Home Economics area.
1993 – The Education Support Unit and an additional classroom were built.
2001 – Saw the completion of the Kingsway Centre, an Administration, Music, Drama and Gymnasium complex.
2004 – The College purchased an additional 6.53 hectares of adjacent land to facilitate further expansion.
2010 – The new Commonwealth funded BER Primary school classroom block was officially opened by then Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. The project provided five classrooms plus an enclosed activity area and specialist Music and Art areas as well as refurbishment of the grounds.
2012 – Chip and Putt Practice Facility was completed.
2013 – A new Science Block was opened by the Chief Scientist of WA, consisting of six Science Labs, a Science Office and Preparation Area and an upgrade of the Home Economics and Media facilities was also completed during Term 1.
2015 – A new six classroom block was opened at the start of the academic year.
2016 – Work commenced on a new 900-seat Auditorium and was completed for the start of Term 3, 2017.
2021 – Building works commenced on a new Arts, Technology and Resource Centre.
2024 – New Arts, Technology and Resource Centre completed and officially opened at the College Open Night in September.